Whether you’re an expert or a novice, be familiar with the basic requirements for a motorcycle licence in Victoria. For most people, it’s a thrill to get on the road and ride into the sunset. Let’s help you do that without breaking any law.
The first step to getting your motorcycle licence is a learner permit, subject to certain conditions and restrictions. This will help your learning phase, which will transition you to become an experienced motorcycle rider. These restrictions are divided into two categories. They are:
A. Permits Issued Before 1st October 2014
- Have a bold, visible “L” sign, displayed at the back of your motorcycle. This will signal to road users that you’re a learner. They will give you enough room to navigate your bike.
- Riding a motorcycle with a pillion passenger is against the rules. So, avoid doing that until you have obtained your licence.
- Always have your learner permit card with you, every time you ride your motorcycle. If you haven’t received it yet, make sure you carry the receipt with you.
- Since you’re not yet certified, you shouldn’t use your motorcycle to tow a truck or trailer.
- Never drink alcohol, to maintain zero blood alcohol concentration in your bloodstream. Wear proper protective gear at all times.
- Ride learner approved motorcycles for novices at all times. Never use your cell phone on the road. If you must receive or make a call, then pull over.
B. Permits Issued After 1st October 2014
- Have your headlights turned on while riding your motorcycle at all times.
- Wear a visible, fitted jacket while riding.
- All learners’ motorcycles must display a visible “L” plate at the back. This must be seen at least 20 metres away.
- At all times, carry your learner permit card while riding. If it’s not available, carry the receipt with you.
- Ride an auto transmission only if you passed your skill assessment test.
- Ride motorcycles approved for learners and novices only. These are safer and less risky than those used by pros and experienced riders.
- Avoid riding a motorcycle with a pillion passenger. This is grounds for permit withdrawals and/or fines.
- Do not drink and ride your motorcycle. All learners and bike riders should have no alcohol content in their bloodstream (zero blood alcohol concentration).
- All learners must wear their protective helmets at all times, while on the road. Never use hand-held or hands-free phone devices. Pull off the road, if you must receive or make phone calls.
All motorcycle learners with permits must adhere to these restrictions. If you are not sure about your requirements, or perhaps you would like a bit of of One on One Training call us at 1300 788 382 or go to ridetek.com.au if you need help, clarification, advice and training. Pretty soon, you’ll be an experienced motorcycle rider.